We noticed Ruby wasn’t responding to sound when she was about 18 months old.
My GP said she was fine and said I was a worrying first time mum. Without the support of our GP, we paid privately at the Portland Hospital in London to have a hearing test.
We were given hearing tests and the Portland Hospital ran blood tests. They also went back and checked Ruby’s Guthrie card. It was a shock when we were told her Guthrie card tested positive for CMV.
I had never heard of CMV and yet I had contracted the virus during pregnancy. No one had warned me about the CMV virus. No one warned me about CMV; not one midwife, doctor, baby website or baby book. Why?
The CMV virus has caused Ruby to have profound hearing loss in both ears.
Just after her third birthday, Ruby had her implants done at Great Ormond Street.
Ruby sees a teacher of the deaf, a speech therapist, an audiologist and ENT consultant and surgeon.
I went on a course and learnt my BSL level 1.
Ruby’s development has been delayed due to her hearing, she is behind with her speech and language which has an impact on the rest of her learning. Ruby needs support at school but, in face of her challenges, she is doing well.
We waited 4 years to try for another child after the shock of Ruby losing her hearing.
Pregnant women should be routinely warned about CMV and be advised on the simple hygiene precautions that can reduce the risk of contracting CMV during pregnancy.