Why do we need volunteers?
CMV Action is a small charity with only 2 part time employees but we potentially need to reach every one of the 750,000 women who give birth in the UK every year. Social media is a brilliant way to do this. We had great success during our National Awareness Month with reaching new people and want to maintain the momentum but we need your help to do this.
Who are we looking for?
We’re looking for regular users of social media to help us to promote, develop and maintain our online presence in order to increase awareness of CMV. We want to promote ourselves as widely as possible to families, pregnant women and relevant health professionals.
You might want to get full-on involved and help shape and create what we post as a social media volunteer or just support us as an awareness volunteer by making sure you regularly promote and share content. Either way it’s a great opportunity to develop your digital skills and add to your work experience.
However much you are involved, you will become a valuable part of our team; plus its perfect for volunteering at home and fitting in with your life. You can take part in this opportunity from anywhere. It’s a great way to help CMV Action reach more people and prevent CMV from happening.
Social Media Volunteer
What’s involved?
The kind of tasks we need help with:
Use social media to promote the activities and services of CMV Action
- Keep our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram social media channels updated on a frequent basis
- Encourage, where you can others to comment on our posts and share them
- Try to ensure our messages reach a wide audience but are also inclusive to those affected by CMV
- Track posts and see which are most successful
How we will support you
You will be supported by our community fundraiser who has lots of marketing and social media experience and will help you learn new skills. You’ll be given guidance as to what to post about but also help to shape what we post. Don’t worry we won’t expect you to provide support to individuals, as these enquiries will be referred to our trained support workers.
Skills you’ll need
- An understanding of how to interact with people on social media
- Basic design knowledge to create images for social posts
- Strong communication skills
The ability to work unsupervised is important,as would some skills with using tools such as Hootsuite and Canva but it’s not essential. You’ll be great at communicating effectively, be articulate, and have some good writing skills. An interest in, knowledge of, or willingness to learn about CMV & maternal health is also important (so perhaps you are/interested inbecoming a student midwife). You’ll have a friendly personality with a passion for our mission to educate people about CMV.
Your time
This role is very flexible. You’ll be given guidance on posts but when you decide to do this is up to you. We would see this as a little and often role to keep on top of the conversations happening online and to ensure that we are regularly in contact with our audience A regular commitment of time e.g. 1 hour a day or 1 day a week is important but we can be flexible around your needs.
Want to find out more about the role?
Email sue@cmvaction.org.uk
Awareness Volunteers
As an awareness volunteer you will be there for those who are interested in CMV through your own social media accounts, reaching those who may not realise that CMV Action exists. This role is a chance for you to make a difference without leaving the comfort of your sofa.
What’s involved?
• You’ll share a selection of CMV Action’s social media posts which we will send you
• You’ll help those interested get access to the vital information, advice and support that CMV Action offers
Want to find out more about the role?
Email sue@cmvaction.org.uk