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5 Top Tips to do Good at Christmas

By November 21, 2022No Comments

With such a busy time of year, you might think trying to fundraise around Christmas time as well is a bit too much, but there are easy ways to help us while ticking off those Christmas tasks. Here are our Christmas tips

  1. Before new stuff arrives on Christmas Day why not have a pre-Christmas clear out & sell all the stuff you don’t need on Ebay? You can easily donate to us by clicking the charity setting when you list your items on Ebay. You can choose any amount up to 100% of the sale price to be donated to CMV Action. It’s a win win, tidy house, more space and all in a good cause. Find out more here 
  2.  One of the easiest ways of helping us is to link up your Amazon shopping with Amazon Smile. AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support us every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is available at on your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones. Every purchase makes a small donation to CMV Action, its only 0.5% but the more people who use it, the more it adds up. For every purchase you are going to make you are doing some good at the same time.
  3. If you’re stuck for present ideas, then what about buying your friends & family CMV Action merchandise as gifts? We have everything from t-shirts to mugs and teddy bears. You’ll be ticking the ‘present done’ box in no time and feel good about doing it. See our full range of merchandise here  
  4. We have some specially designed e-cards on the Don’t Send Me a Card website  so instead of sending actual cards (which isn’t so environmentally friendly) why not quickly and easily send E-cards this year and donate the money saved to CMV Action. Although we do have real cards for when you want them
  5. If you’ve a bit more time then how about joining in the fun of Christmas Jumper Day it’s simple to join in & raise some funds. Just make a donation for every Christmas jumper worn and dont forget to post some pictures too

These are our top 5 tips for doing good this Christmas but let us know if you have any others and share your pictures and tag us on our social media.

Take a look at our E-card Christmas cards!