A shout out to all student midwives, midwifery societies & midwifery tutors….did you know that CMV Action are able to offer free virtual training sessions on congenital CMV (cytomegalovirus)?
Although, CMV is the most common virus passed from mother to baby during pregnancy and the leading preventable cause of hearing loss in babies, it is still the case that so many people have never heard of CMV. Mothers need to know that it can also cause physical and developmental impairments as well as miscarriages and stillbirths.
Midwives are a vital part of spreading the word. A CMV Action training session will set out the facts about CMV and the four key areas where midwives can play a role in the forefront of reducing the impact of the virus. The training will give you an understanding of how CMV can affect babies and what you can do, as a key health professional, to reduce risk of infection and limit the impact of this virus.
Training sessions are currently available via both Zoom and Teams, but as restrictions lift, we will also try to conduct in person sessions.
To find out more & book your training please email Sharon Wood at sharonwood@cmvaction.org.uk.
We also have an e-learning module for midwives developed with the Royal College of Midwives. This short training module has been developed in response to requests from midwives for more information about congenital CMV.