The latest edition of the British Journal of Midwifery features an article by our project manager Sharon Wood. The article is aimed at raising awareness of cytomegalovirus. It offers midwives an in depth explanation of the virus and points them towards our new tear off pads which can be used to inform pregnant women. Download the article in the British Journal of Midwifery in full here
With National CMV Awareness month coming up next month it is topical to have this brilliant feature and helps to continue our work raising awareness of CMV.
We have also been out and about attending key conferences including the Primary Care & Public Health event at the NEC. We reached nearly 5,000 people where our tear-off pads were particularly well received. So many midwives, and GPs were taking them and saying how very useful they were and that they would put them in their booking packs.
The feedback from the people we talked to was fantastic; including quotes such as “I’ve just had a personal masterclass in CMV. Thank you – that is so useful”. Others said “Wow, this is so important. I’m going to try to get the Trust to include this in all booking notes” and so many said about all sorts of aspects of CMV “I didn’t know that, but it will really make a difference to my practice”. This just goes to show how important it is that we keep spreading the message. We had a lot of conversations with midwives and GPs and other health professionals, and even those for whom maternity care was not core to their work showed interest and asked what CMV was, all saying it was useful information for their personal lives and for telling their families about.