The 8th International Congenital CMV Conference & 18th International CMV Workshop will take place virtually from Monday 28th March – Friday 1st April, with a full programme of invited speakers, oral paper presentations, poster sessions and panel discussions. Full details can be found at www.cmv2022.org.
What has the impact of CMV been on your family?
To help us in representing our CMV families at the general public session at the conference we would like to include statements describing how a diagnosis of congenital CMV (cCMV) has affected your family. These will then be used during a presentation CMV Action will be giving on the afternoon of Sunday, 27th March. We feel it would be really effective to involve families by giving first hand accounts of their experiences of CMV and the challenges you have faced when a child is affected by the virus (good and bad),
If you are able to help us, please submit a short quote describing the impact cCMV has had on you, your child or your family. One or two sentences is all we need and we will collate these to graphically illustrate what effect the virus has had to the members of the general public and medics who will be present.
We would really appreciate your help with this, so if you would like to help us by taking part, please send your comments to sharonwood@cmvaction.org.uk.