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CMV Advice – New Publications!

By February 21, 2022June 22nd, 2022No Comments
CMV advice

CMV Action are delighted to announce the launch of three new resources providing CMV advice for midwives, other health professionals and families.

Tear-off pad with key information on cCMV.  This is intended as a resource for midwives and other health professionals to give to pregnant women.  Each A5 pad contains 50 easily removable pages with risk reduction advice and important details about the virus.  Pads can be ordered by contacting

CMV in Pregnancy.  A new booklet with CMV advice setting out the key points  about diagnosis, treatment and management of CMV in pregnancy.  Bringing together the latest research evidence and facts to answer the questions that women and their partners, and the professionals who work with them, really want answered. Copies can be downloaded here

CMV: Children & Babies.  All the information you need on diagnosis, treatment and management of congenital CMV in babies and children. It gives details of the tests and treatment available and outlines what you can expect from some of the professionals who will be involved in the care your baby or young child.  Copies can be downloaded here