Welcome to ‘Fundraise Your Way’ for CMV Action. Where you’re hosting a bake sale, organising a quiz night or setting yourself a personal challenge, please know that your effort and support to raise funds and awareness will make a significant impact to our charity. Let’s work together to turn your ideas into action and make a difference, one fundraising event at a time.
Your action has impact!
As a small charity without government funding, CMV Action relies heavily on the generosity of our fundraisers and donors. We only exist because of you! Your support ensures that we can continue raising awareness, supporting the families affected by the virus and driving awareness of cytomegalovirus. With your help, we can make significant impact in research, advocacy and prevention efforts. Every donation and fundraiser brings us a step closer to a future where CMV is no longer a threat. Thank you for playing a significant role in our mission!

Be inspired!
Still searching for inspiration for your fundraiser? Read about the different ways our incredible fundraisers have supported us.
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