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Diagnosis as a babyOur Stories


By December 22, 2021June 28th, 2022No Comments

January 2007

Luca was born on the 7th of January, 2007, just one day early, weighing 5lbs 6oz.

Normal delivery and everything seemed ok. It wasn’t until Luca was just over 6 months old (July 07) that I was noticing there was something wrong.

Luca wasn’t meeting his milestonesI s i.e. couldn’t sit up, couldn’t crawl, was making some noises and could stand bearing his own weight when you were holding him. I spoke with the Health Visitor and it was from there we had to wait for hospital appointments to see what was wrong with him!!!

Had lots of different tests, but still, doctors at St John’s couldn’t figure out what was up with him. Luca then got a MRI Scan in Jan 08 (just over a year old). It was from that MRI we found out that Luca had caught the CMV infection while I was pregnant, which affected part of the brain.

The worst part was the waiting game, it was very hard and emotional seeing your poor baby go through all these tests but family and friends were great, which got us through it.

So Lucas diagnosis is: Congenital CMV infection, Dystonic cerebral palsy, Microcephaly and Global development delay.

He sees Dr Eunson, Motor Disorder Clinic, RHSC, Dr Tybulewicz, GI Clinic, St John’s Hospital, and Physiotherapist and Occupational therapist at school.

Luca attends Beatlie School, which he loves, and has come on great since starting school.

Luca is a very happy boy, who enjoys all aspects of life, he’s a wee daredevil and will try out anything. Luca enjoys his adapted skiing lessons, going and watching the ice-hockey and stock cars. Loves holidays, when he’s spending time with the family. Loves his brothers (big) Louis 13 and (little) Leon 3.