In January 2019, I caught a severe chest infection which then turned into mild pneumonia. I was in and out of hospital for two weeks as I was so fatigued.
I then found out I had conceived in December 2018.
Living in Cyprus at the time, my doctor suggested I take several blood tests as a routine check to make sure my blood was fine.
My doctor said everything came back normal apart from CMV.
I didn’t understand. He briefly explained to me what it was and said he wanted to do a repeat blood test.
So he did and yet again my CMV blood result came back positive.
Due to strict termination laws in Cyprus my doctor suggested that termination would be the best option for me as he explained to me how dangerous CMV could be for my unborn baby. He said I would be at high risk of my baby having a severe disability.
I was shocked and did not want to believe what he was saying. I strongly disagreed with him, I had hope for my baby and I didn’t want to give up.
Being born and brought up in the UK, me and my husband decided to go back to continue my pregnancy.
I had my first booking appointment and then my 3 month scan. Everything was perfect. I did mention to the midwife that I had a CMV blood test in Cyprus which was positive.
My local hospital then wanted to carry out the same blood test. Within a week I received a phone call from the screening department. They told me that recent CMV infection has been detected and I will have a 16 week scan with the Fetal Medicine consultant to check the growth and well being of my baby.
Having my 16 week scan was nerve racking, I was praying that it would all be ok. My heart broke when the consultant said he has detected an “echogenic bowel” meaning the bowels are brighter then the bone and it could be a sign of infection. I broke down in tears.
I then was referred to The Royal London Hospital for further scans and an amniocentesis.
My first appointment at The Royal London went so well. I had a thorough scan by a sonographer and a consultant. The bowels weren’t as bright to their concern and all measurements seemed normal. The consultant did not want to carry out the amniocentesis that day as she wanted to wait for me to be 20 weeks. She said if we wait there would be less risk of a miscarriage and results will be more accurate. I left that day feeling positive and everything will be ok.
My anomaly scan was due a few weeks later at my local hospital which didn’t go how I expected. I had four sonographers come in and scan me. I didn’t understand why and I was petrified. I kept asking what was wrong. The sonographer kept saying my baby was in a low and awkward position and she cannot see certain areas of the brain.
Five days later I had an amniocentesis at the RLH. My results were in very quickly as I received a phone call within 3 days. The consultant wanted to speak to me face to face so I went to the hospital the following morning. It was bad news, my baby had caught a high infection of CMV.
Back at RLH, I had another scan which took such a long time. The consultant said she had to do a internal scan due to the awkward position of the baby she couldn’t identify certain parts of the brain. After having the internal scan I knew there was something wrong. The look on her face didn’t look reassuring.
Once I got dressed she sat me down and said the cerebellum of the babies brain hasn’t developed. She also told me the ventricles of the brain were dilated and the corpus cavullum of the babies brain could not be identified.
This would result to serious brain damage to my baby and have a huge effect on the babies neurodevelopment, balance and coordination.
I had to make a decision it was devastating for me, I couldn’t stop crying I agreed with the consultants to have a termination at 22 weeks.
My baby’s a little girl and is now resting peacefully in heaven. She will never be forgotten and remain in our hearts forever.