It is a huge step forward towards eradicating CMV to learn that the new NICE guidelines for Antenatal Care now recommend that women should be told about CMV. Click here for the fully updated guidance
In short all health professionals are now recommended to inform women at the first antenatal appointment about CMV.
“Information about antenatal care
1.3.8. At the first antenatal (booking) appointment (and later if appropriate), discuss and give information on:
…..infections that can impact on the baby in pregnancy or during birth (such as group B streptococcus, herpes simplex and cytomegalovirus)
The recommendation also encourages health professionals to discuss and give information on behaviour which will reduce the risk of CMV.
1.3.8. At the first antenatal (booking) appointment (and later if appropriate), discuss and give information on: “reducing the risk of infections, for example, encouraging hand washing”
Furthermore the advice when booking in a woman they advise discussing her occupation which should hopefully flag up those who work in childcare or other occupations with babies and young children.
“Taking and recording the woman’s history
1.2.1 At the first antenatal (booking) appointment, ask the woman about:…. her occupation, discussing any risks and concerns“
Many of you will know that our previous chair Caroline Star, served on the antenatal care guidelines group for over 3 years and it is testament to her work that CMV is mentioned in the most recent iteration of this guideline. We offer a huge thank you to Caroline for her hard work on this committee and for ensuring CMV has been included. This is incredibly helpful as we continue to work towards all pregnant women having the opportunity to hear about CMV and implement changes to reduce the risk of acquiring CMV in pregnancy.