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New CMV Action – family support group on Facebook

By May 20, 2020December 20th, 2021No Comments
CMV Action illustration
Welcome to the new CMV Action UK – Family Support group.
Group admin members are Amy Taylor and Jan Pearman.
Please go to our page and request membership.
  • First and foremost, this is a group of support. Please treat others in the group as you would wish to be treated, with sensitivity, respect, kindness and understanding.
  • We encourage new members to introduce themselves and to share a little bit about what brings you to the group. Although this is entirely a matter of choice, it will help us to build a stronger community and support each other.
  • Whilst this is a place to share our experiences, please do not request or offer medical advice within the group. If you need advice, please contact your doctor or the CMV Action UK team. You can do this by messaging the @cmvactionuk Facebook page, or contacting our helpline. We can then point you towards experts or other help.
  • If you find any posts, comments or other content upsetting, please use the “report to admin” function so we can review and discuss with those involved. If necessary, we will remove posts or comments.
Remember, good days should be discussed! If you want to bring a little cheer… please do share! Equally, if you want to share a tough day and need support getting through it, hopefully we can help you with that too (we all get them!)
This group will run alongside our CMV Action facebook page