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Join in the Fun – UK Charity Week 6th – 10th December

By December 20, 2021No Comments
UK Charity Week

We are taking part in UK Charity Week ( #UKCharityWeek); this is an annual charity campaign designed to allow people across the UK to place awareness and fundraising high on the national agenda, so lots of charities will be getting involved. Every day during UK Charity Week 2021, which runs 6th-10th December, has a daily theme.

Monday: Celebration of Charity – 6th December 2021

With there being very little to celebrate this year, this day will be a Celebration of Charity. Even in the darkest of times, there are moments of light that should have a spotlight cast upon them. Therefore, this day will be spent sharing our success stories and celebrating those who have gone above and beyond for others during one of the most difficult years in the sector’s history.

Tuesday: Give 5 Day – 7th December 2021

Give £5 a day

Give 5 Day – we will be encouraging people to donate 5 of something to support CMV Action, be that a £5 donation, 5 items to sell on Ebay, 5 hours of volunteering or even five social media post shares, it’s your choice. Here are our suggestions

  • Talk about CMV to 5 new people
  • Donate £5 to CMV Action
  • Make or share 5 social media posts telling people about CMV
  • Buy 5 items of CMV merchandise
  • Set up a regular donation to CMV Action for 5 x a year

Wednesday: Charity BIG Bake 8th December 2021

Charity Big Bake

UK Charity Week’s Charity BIG Bake is an opportunity to do some baking with loved ones, friends or family. Coffee and cake sales with raffles and other activities are a great way to raise funds for CMV Action. You can donate or set up a fundraising page here

Alternatively, think outside the box and let us know what you are doing to sell the cakes! Eating yummy cakes has got to be the easiest way to fundraise! This is always one of the most popular fundraising days. Holding a cake sale can happen anywhere from your office, pub, scout group, school, fitness club or indeed having your own coffee morning or afternoon tea cake sale at home with the family, the possibilities are endless to raise a little bit of money. Don’t forget you can download fundraising materials to promote your event

Thursday: Volunteers’ Day 9th December 2021

Volunteers’ Day will be a focus on all things volunteering. We will be sharing some inspirational stories from 2021 that deserve to be told. We will be highlighting the importance of volunteers in our little charity.

Friday: UK Charity Week’s Christmas Jumper Day 10th December 2021

Christmas Jumper Day

Every year since the campaign’s inception in 2009, UK Charity Week’s Christmas Jumper Day has raised a lot of funds and awareness. Individuals can raise funds for us while having a bit of fun at home or the office. Why not ask your office or workplace if CMV Action can be your nominated charity for this event? Don’t forget to post lots of pics on social media so we can see your jumpers. This is such an easy and fun way to raise some money – You can donate or set up a fundraising page here 

Whatever you choose to do in UK Charity Week you can download a range of helpful materials and fundraising packs to support your event from our dedicated Fundraizing Hero page