13th April 2020 Update from our medical advisers
Please strictly follow the government recommendations at present for your own health and health of your children.
Some children/patients may have had additional advice about shielding and should be even more careful about going out. However, congenital CMV infection (on its own and without additional complications or severe features) would not require shielding.
There are some additional resources for parents and carers on the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health website: http://ow.ly/n1CS50zcr7k
Covid-19 and children
We understand that many families are feeling concerned about COVID-19 (the disease caused by the SARS-coronavirus 2). It appears that the virus causes only mild illness in children. The current NHS advice is that children who are more vulnerable to influenza because of health conditions may also be more vulnerable to COVID-19. However, the data from China does not show large numbers of severe cases in children, even if they have a weakened immune system.
Congenital CMV infection should not put children at increased risk of severe COVID-19 infection, as their immune system should be able to fight the virus in the same way as other children. However, some children who are more severely affected by congenital CMV may be more prone to chest infections in general as a result of their disabilities and parents should be alert to any red or amber features and seek a medical opinion if any of these are present.
We would strongly encourage parents to follow current national advice for reducing the risk of catching COVID-19. This information is regularly updated here.
Further information for parents about COVID-19 and when and how to seek advice is found on the Healthier Together website.