Thank you for fundraising for CMV Action – every penny raised truly makes a difference to our work and we really value and appreciate your support. Before you get started, please read our Fundraising Terms and Conditions below.
When I’m Fundraising for CMV Action:
- I will do my best to raise funds for CMV Action, especially if I have a set target
- If I am unable to meet a fundraising goal for a third party event paid for by CMV Action, I will cover any shortfall or costs incurred.
- I will collect and pay all funds raised within 2 months of the date of my fundraising activity to CMV Action in a safe and secure manner (charity number 1171773)
- Where possible I will display CMV Action’s name and registered charity number (1171773) when fundraising.
- I will remember that as a rule, event registration fees are non-refundable and any refunds given will be at the discretion of CMV Action.
- I will ensure that I fundraise in a way that does not endanger or harm myself, any support or member of the public
- I will ensure that my actions will not do anything to bring the CMV Action name into disrepute.
- I understand that CMV Action reserves the right to ask me to cease fundraising at any time. This may happen if CMV Action believes my fundraising is unsafe or may harm either a person or CMV Action’s reputation.
- I will read and adhere to ‘The Important Stuff’ (below)
- I will have FUN!
The Important Stuff
Personal Data
For details of how CMV Action will use your information for fundraising and marketing purposes, please see our Privacy Policy
CMV Action Branding
By law our charity registration number must appear on any fundraising materials relating to your event. This information is already included on our branded materials but when creating your own please display as: 1171773 Registered Charity England and Wales
If you are creating a fundraising page and would like to upload photos to it, please ensure that you are either the owner of the copyright in the photo, or you have the permission of the person who is. Similarly, if the image and/or text you would like to post features the name and/or likeness of any living person, especially where he/she has been diagnosed with a medical condition, you must get their consent before you do this.
Use of language
We welcome and encourage users to customise messages on fundraising pages, and to leave comments when making donations. We do not permit racist, sexist, obscene, defamatory, misleading or otherwise offensive or upsetting language and/or content.
When organising or hosting an event yourself please where possible arrange your own insurance if appropriate. When hosting at home or in a public venue insurance could already be covered but we recommend double checking. Always also check that any contractors or companies you’re using for your event have the correct insurance cover in place. CMV Action will not be liable for any injury or loss arising from the event or its organisation.
Collections in public venues
Coin collections are a fantastic and easy way to raise funds for CMV Action. If collecting in a public area please check with your local authority to request the relevant permits and permissions.
Food hygiene
When handling food please work to the basic rules and food hygiene requirements. Visit Food Standards Agency website for more information.
A license will be required if you are serving alcohol at your event. Please contact your local authority for more info.
Raffles, lotteries and prize draws
A license isn’t required to run an incidental lottery, but you as per the gambling commission guidelines you must make sure you follow the rules to run an incidental non-commercial lottery legally. Lotteries can only be held to raise funds and not for private gain.
Thank you for taking the time to read our Fundraising Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions or queries about this, or wish to report any content or material that you believe is in breach of our Terms and Conditions, please contact