Our mission is to limit the devastating impact of CMV  for those currently affected and for future generations.

Educate, Vaccinate, Eradicate.

Our Plans are:

Father cuddling baby on shoulder

To support families affected by CMV

  • Provide advice and information
  • Enable members to support each other by connecting families living in the same area or experiencing the same issues
  • Advocate on behalf of families affected by CMV
  • Empower and support parents to work effectively with professionals.
Doctor inspecting babies ear

To educate professionals, parents-to-be and the general public about prevention of CMV

  • Run campaigns to increase awareness amongst pregnant women about the risks of cCMV infection and the simple hygiene measures that can help prevent it
  • Develop an engagement programme to increase awareness amongst professionals and agencies who work with pregnant women.
Child with headphones smiling having test

To support the development and implementation of research into better testing, treatment and management of CMV

  • Support recruitment into trials
  • Support research bids
  • Disseminate research evidence in lay terms to parents, journalists and policy makers
  • Campaign for relevant bodies to implement research findings
  • Campaign for better and more consistent management of CMV.
Scientist researching vaccine in lab

Raise awareness of the need for a vaccine

  • Understand public views
  • Develop a long-term strategy for the next 10 years
  • Run targeted communications work.
Newborn baby yawning resting on mothers chest

To build the capacity of CMV Action

  • Develop planning approach
  • Increase people resources
  • Raise funds
  • Improve management practices and efficiency.